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The PhD Life Raft Podcast

Feb 1, 2021

In this episode the fabulous Kat Low shares her experience of practice-based research - particularly her fieldwork in South Africa.

Kat is a research-practitioner in the field of applied theatre and sexual health with a commitment to feminist-led research.  Her practice lies in creating participatory-led theatre and creative arts-based practice with local communities to explore and gain greater understanding of the key sexual health concerns they face.  She has published articles on theatre and health in a number of journals and co-edited Applied Theatre: Performing Health & Wellbeing (2017) with Dr Veronica Baxter for Methuen Bloomsbury. Kat’s monograph,  Applied Theatre and Sexual Health Communication: Apertures of Possibility for Palgrave Macmillan is about to be published. 

During our discussion Kat stresses the importance of working in collaboration with all the stakeholders as co-researchers. She talks about the centrality of creating safe spaces for people to work in and how honesty is key.  

Kat also talks about self-care as a researcher and the importance of acknowledging that the work is just part of your wider life experience.  

Kat reflects on the challenges of researching during the pandemic and how social media and technology can open up possibilities for creative connections.

You can make contact with Kat via email: or via twitter: @katlow17


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